This site was designed to expose the lies hue-manity has been told by those who rule us. To expose the truth about what Earth is and why we're here. This site proves overwhelmingly that those who rule us used advanced technology just a couple hundred years ago to flood Earth, wipe out a civilization, hide immaculate architecture and the true history of Earth. This site is evidence that they've used a fake cosmology, indoctrination facilities (schools), media and cgi to fool us into believing that we are nothing in an infinite universe. This site is proof that the reason why the World Economic Forum calls this great reset (Agenda 2030) "The 4th industrial Revolution" is because it will be their 4th time wiping out a civilization on Earth. This site was designed to make people realize that there is not much time remaining to figure out what you're supposed to do. Not much time remaining before the next lockdown. Not much time remaining before CHAOS. This site proves we are being deceived on such a grand scale by those in control... (Self appointed entities United Nations, World Health Organization and the World Economic Forum)

As you'll see throughout this section, there is overwhelming evidence that a cataclysmic event, a mudflood, wiped out a civilization approx. 200 years ago. What could have caused this event. Consider our oceans never existed before this event. Why did they not teach us about this event in school. Why wouldn't they want us to know. Unless those who control Earth created this catastrophe. They lied because they wanted to hide limitless energy (Aether) and advanced technology. They lied because they don't want us to know what Earth is and why we're here...

(1)The great flood, (2)The removal of mud from Rome's colosseum early 1930's...
*1 of the most important videos you'll ever watch! Proof of advanced technology and limitless energy!
Evidence most architecture of the old world, over 200 years ago was melted and destroyed, by what...
Max Igan; How did they erase his-story so effectively...
Over 1000 years of fabricated his-story by the mudfloods...
Mudfloods, world fairs, stolen technology, more great information about what happened and why...
Who really controls the worlds money...
How the elite oligarch's of Earth control us...
How they repopulated the world after the last reset...
Earth is a motherboard. Not made of dirt and clay. Made of rock and bricks....

E-MAIL: info@earthismatrix.com