More proof that everything we've ever been told is a lie. Stonehenge is not thousands of years old, not even hundreds. Commercial airliners do not use gas to fly. Dinosaurs, lol. The Titanic never sank. No moon seen during their "eclipse" of the sun. Rigged professional sports. Proof of their Agenda (2030) in plain sight. Proof of their predictive programming...

Pedictive programming. Their symbolism is everywhere, Disney, Hollywood cartoons etc...

Why do you think they call it a "cell-phone". Because it traps you. Proof your "smart phones" (a.i) are spying on you in infrared...

(1) NFL confirms the use of microchips in their footballs, (2) NFL is scripted... (3) Magnets in balls...

Why do they call people who love professional sports. Fans. Because they are "Fanatics". The outcome's are already decided before the winner is crowned. Some of your favorite sports eye-cons are transgenders...

The George Floyd hoax EXPOSED, just another actor...

Dinosaurs never existed. Earth is not millions of years old. (Probably closer to 2025 years old)

MAG bitter truth breaksdown the (1) Titanic HOAX and the (2) Ukraine war HOAX...

WW2 hoax pt.1...

Proof Stonehenge was built less than 100 years ago...

(1) Airliner fuel hoax, (2) American money decoded...

WW2 hoax pt. 2...