How can a ball shaped Earth cast all these different shadows on the moon. Why can we see stars through the moon if the moon is a solid object...

The moon is not a solid object. It's the reason you can see blue through it during the day. Why can we see the moon during the day inside the blue sky (dome), if the moon is in "space" outside of the blue sky (dome). It's easy to realize something is off...

The moon has a 28 day cycle. The moon creates it's own light. If every month was 28 days, every month would start on a Monday and end on a Sunday. The reason why they call April 1st "April Fool's day" is because April is the real beginning of the year. If there were 13 months (like there used to be before the last reset) every month would have 28 days, and every year would have 365 days. Sept, Oct, Nov, and Dec mean what, 7, 8, 9 and 10 in Latin, Spanish Portuguese etc. Then why is September the 9th month. If April is supposed to be the first, then there's a month missing between April and September...

They call it the "Solar System" because Earth is a SOUL-SYSTEM. Space is fake. Earth is an "enclosed system" (-Bill Nye "The Science Guy"). No astro-not has been to the moon. No astro-not or rocket has made it through the dome. The moons and suns are inside this dome. There is only water beyond the dome. I know this because of all the videos of rockets hitting the dome, videos of stars viewed through telescopes and the fact that those who rule humanity are clearly faking the existence of space. Is it really a coincidence that the logos of those in control of Earth look just like a flat Earth map. I will prove to you on this page that Space is fake. The question is not whether space is fake. Why would they lie. All the evidence is here for you. The answer is simple. They don't want you to know what Earth is...

Wikileaks; Moon landing cut scenes filmed in Nevada desert, Moon landings fully EXPOSED...

(1) Buzz Aldrin and (2) Bill Nye "The Science Guy" tell you themselves NOBODY LANDED ON THE MOON...

*Rockets hitting the dome. Nasa's green screen. Obama's flat earth society speech...

PROOF that we see stars through water. PROOF there is only water beyond the dome...

Fake astro-nots make fools of themselves. Don Petit, astro-NOT EXPOSED...

PROOF nobody has been to space. Astro-nots from space shuttle challenger NEVER DIED...

Dropping items in ZERO "gravity"...

The basic "science" behind fake space...

Many airplane pilots admitting Earth is a flat plane...


Eclipse HOAX! (1) MatrixDiscovery (2) MAG

MAG bitter truth breaksdown fake satelites and space...