Graphene oxide. It's in everything. Everything we consume. The surgical masks everyone was wearing. Even in the air we breath. Take a look at what Graphene is, and what they intend to use it for. They show it to us in movies and videos. Think frequency and vibration (5G)...

How frequencies affect graphene. Those who are assimilated will start to synchronize when 5G starts humming a different frequency...

Graphene MRNA in the (Agenda 2021) vaccines..."they will learn a few things in vibration and frequency when the 5G gets turned up"...

How they're using graphene to bring about their New World Order...

The black goo in movies like Prometheus, graphene oxide. Greta Thornburg exposed...

MAG bitter truth, 5G EXPOSED...

Transhumanism is their Agenda 2030 goal. Not much longer now...

Why do you think they call it "smart water"...

Tests done with graphene. Graphene subliminal messaging in their videos and movies

Graphene moves life-like. Random dust particles or nano technology...