Architecture carved out of mountains of solid rock, with what. How did they create such intricacies on the Arc DE Triomphe before the "1900's" when power tools had not yet even been invented. Before horse and buggy was it's main form of transportation. What tools did they use. Why haven't we been able to duplicate this sort of architecture since...

More arches; Constantine, Washington Square, Titus, Bucharest, Septimius Severus, Trajan, Orange, Castel Nuovo and Arcade Du Cinquantenaire. I don't recall hearing anything of these in school...

St. Basil's Cathedral, The Kremlin, and other Russian architecture (above). The Grand Canyon U.S.A (below), more proof of a past, advanced civilization. HOW did they create this magnificent architecture. The cone's on top of St. Basil's are made of metal. How did they shape it hundreds of years ago, and with what...
Evidence that this will be the 4th reset on Earth...
Star shaped cities used to generate energy
The Arc De Triomphe, Paris France. An old world generator. Look at the intricacies. Etched in solid marble. Look at the detail. What tool was used. If power tools were not invented until the "1900s"...
What instrument was used to create such exquisite sculptures, in solid rock and marble, hundreds of years ago. These could not have been built by a chisel. The only thing that makes sense to me is some sort of laser technology. The same technology that melted the *Grand Canyon and all the other architecture built in mountains of rock around our world/realm. They used this advance technology to hide the advanced technology, and the true reason we are here and what here is. Why else HIDE all this from us...
Star shaped cities and forts designed perfectly symmetrical to harness the energy of the Aether found all around us. Ancient stairwells have the same purpose...
Everything you need to know about Tartaria, and how they used advanced technology to destroy history...
The Arc De Triomphe; a giant magnet and energy conductor...

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