Who controls Earth. It's on the their logo's. On top of Earth, controlling it, amidst a 33 (Freemasonry) sectioned bullseye directed at circular plane Earth. The W.H.O logo shows us who controls Earth, what Earth is, and their plan for Earth. the logo shows us Earth as a circular plane, shows their bullseye directed at Earth, so they want to destroy it, and a serpent (evil) on top ruling it. Their plan (Agenda 2030) involves controlling everything we do through nano technology (Graphene Oxide), and getting rid of the uncooperative. They have been showing us who they are and what their plan is for a long time. Rockefellers, Rothschilds and the zionist #talmud loving jews own everything, EVERY politician and government. And the big red flag country are their henchmen. (they've literally been building an army for this for decades now. When they activate the next lock-down, martial-law (Wal-Mart, Mart-Law, their detainment camps) it's the henchmen that will be kicking in your doors if you don't want to participate (Injct)....
(1) "Individual Carbon Footprint Tracker" (ICFT)- World Economic Forum. (2) "Smart phones will be in your body by 2030"- W.E.F
Rockefeller Foundation- "LockStep" (2010). "A means to bring about a more authoritarian type of government by using covid19"...
The Fall Of The Cabal. Elite/Hollywood satanic worship EXPOSED...
#PizzaGate Just another conspiracy theory you say...
Their 666 symbolism is EVERYWHERE...
(1), Ideological Subversion. Russian defector of the KGB Yuri Bezmenov explains how society is systematically brainwashed by schools, government and media (2), Justin Trudeau explains how the Canadian Charter of Rights won't save you...
How John D. Rockefeller created the medical system...
(1) Klaus Schwab- W.E.F explains what their "4th industrial revolution" (because this will be their 4th reset of Earth), (2) The Georgia Guidestones, their plan etched in marbel...
Canada's hero Pierre Poilievre promoting covid vaccinations like every other member of every government...
Preparing for their New World Order...
"Beyond the Reset" -Life after Agenda 2030...
When the grid goes down, what to expect...
We are being held hostage by the New World Order...
Short film- "Utopia" (give up your freedom to be safe, for now)...
Morpheus explains the Matrix: "it is a prison for our minds"...
Their plan is order out of chaos. Internet and bank machines will go down. Shelves in grocery stores will be empty. No gas, no power, no water. How many days of this before humanity turns on itself. And when the masses beg for something to be done to stop the anarchy, that's when the NWO army will come into play. This is all scripted to take place BY (Agenda) 2030...

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