The orphan trains of the late "1800's" to the early "1900's". They used orphan assylums to repopulate Earth after the mudfloods. More truth in plain sight. This isn't a "theory", there is proof in the early 1900 postcards alone. Why didn't we hear anything about this in school. What happened to all the adults...

Great video on the orphan trains and early 1900's post cards...

Imtheimprobaledreamer-(1) Orphanages and world fairs before the reset. (2) Aftermath of mudfloods...

Repopulation, 1854-1929, Disney asylums...

This is a great video linking the mudfloods and repopulation of Hue-Manity approx. 125 years ago...

Why did they lie about this time period pts.1-2, (1) post cards from early 1900s. (2) freemasonry-illuminati...

How you reset a civilizations technology level...